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Welcome to our exclusive category featuring products dedicated to the Amsterdam Tiger Para Icehockey Team. By shopping from this collection, you not only show your support for the team but also contribute to their continued success. For every product you purchase, we proudly make a donation to the Para Tigers, helping them thrive on and off the ice.

What is Sledge Hockey?

Sledge Hockey is a thrilling and highly competitive sport played by athletes with physical disabilities. The Amsterdam Para Tigers Sledge Hockey Team embodies the true spirit of determination, resilience, and teamwork. By wearing their merchandise, you become an integral part of their journey, cheering them on and empowering them to reach new heights.

Tiger Para icehockey Amsterdam

Gear Up for a Cause

When you shop from this category, you’re not just buying quality products – you’re making a difference. Every purchase directly supports the Amsterdam Para Tigers Sledge Hockey Team, enabling them to enhance their training facilities, acquire essential equipment, and participate in national and international competitions.

Quality and Style

Our collection of Para Tigers merchandise offers high-quality products that allow you to show your pride while looking fashionable. From comfortable apparel to stylish accessories, each item is carefully designed and crafted to ensure durability and showcase the team’s iconic logo and colors.

Making an Impact

Your purchase goes beyond acquiring a fantastic product – it creates a positive impact on the lives of the Amsterdam Para Tigers athletes. Join us in supporting these incredible individuals who overcome challenges and inspire us all with their dedication, passion, and unwavering spirit.

Spread the Tigers Para icehockey Spirit

Wear your Para Tigers gear with pride and share the team’s story with your friends, family, and fellow sports enthusiasts. By spreading the word about the Amsterdam Para Tigers Sledge Hockey Team, you help raise awareness for adaptive sports and inspire others to get involved in supporting inclusive athletic communities.

Join the Team

Get involved in supporting the Amsterdam Para Tigers Sledge Hockey Team by exploring our collection and choosing the products that resonate with you. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and create lasting opportunities for these remarkable athletes.

Shop now and be a part of the Amsterdam Para Tigers’ journey to success. Let’s unite in celebrating their achievements and ensuring their continued growth both on and off the ice.

Note: Our donations to the Amsterdam Para Tigers Sledge Hockey Team are made based on a percentage of the proceeds from each sale. The exact percentage may vary depending on the product.