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Payment Methods

Voor de Nederlandse versie KLIK HIER

ID-Streetwear.com usesMollie.com. Mollie is a Dutch payment platform for webshops and supports multiple payment forms.

We currently have the following payment options active in our webshop.

Why don’t we accept credit cards?

Credit card is a worldwide payment method that entails a number of risks. Receiving your money is not guaranteed and the use of the card is susceptible to fraud.

Payment failed, has it been debited?

Sometimes a message does not come through correctly, which can cause systems to falter for a while. Because a hitch often has to be checked manually in order to observe the safety that is expected of webshops and online payments, the confirmation can then take a while.

If the order is in your overview, don’t worry, we will also see it coming in and everything will be fine. When in doubt? Send a message to customer service and we will check the order extra.